Watch him! His middle name is Mortal

Monday, April 12, 2010

In terms of right & wrong, I was both

Blasting my way out of a bar, come midnight, the energy, inside me dancing.
Took the wheel and decided, at the spur of the moment, to go for a drive.
With music commanding the flow of things, the evening, could not have been better.

The streetlights flickering, as I sped through, without a care in this world.
I was alone, and enjoying every minute of it.
Many streets later, I found myself heading home.
Pulled to a halt at an intersection, waiting for the lights to flash green.
While I waited, I was thinking to myself, how warm the evening’s proceedings were, when the traffic light flashed a bright green.
I stepped on the gas pedal, only to come to an immediate halt, smack in the middle of the lane, with the oncoming herd of metal monsters, from my right, screeching to a halt, inches away from where I had stopped. 
Here’s what happened...
I, apparently in no condition to drive, had not only foolishly done so, but had been looking at the wrong traffic light, having mistaken it for mine!
In terms of right & wrong, I was both.

Don’t be too quick to judge, as my reasoning, under such conditions, was head on, even funny seeing how no one got hurt.
However, things don’t always happen that way...

Posted by Maverick from the Demos Unit

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