Watch him! His middle name is Mortal

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Half the truth is often a great lie." -- Benjamin Franklin


Not sure what game this is,
However, I am certain, few do.
And those who do, have nothing to say.

[Few of the things I have done, in this journey we call life, I am not particularly proud off.
That is the only truth that matters, to you, her, him, & I.
Reality is how you feel, when reflecting upon what had just happened, which, in a heartbeat, changes to what, you recall.
That is something I learned, after I stopped being selfish.
Back then, it was quite easy, I just exploited what ‘power’ I exercised, and the world, offered it all.]

The easiest thing in the world, is running into trouble, which is quite similar to jogging into a minefield at the grace of God, and hoping to have the time for breakfast before going to work!

All wired-up, fired-up, & ready to lift off.
Now imagine walking into a situation, described as, EXPLOSIVE.


REALITY, under a different context.

I got shot, I got hurt, I am traumatised by the storm surge that have now swamped the country.
All I know, is that I just happened to have been there.
All I know is what I ‘think I remember’ under a ‘confusing’ dining experience.
Who did what and why, is asking ‘why is this happening to me, and no one else?”
How many times have you asked yourself that question and how many times did you do something that you knew was wrong, but still went ahead with it and regretted it later?
The only question that you need to concern yourself with, HERENOW, is this:
“Will the answer to the question 
I have going to change anything?”
Spare yourself that thought, because the answer is, NO

Now ask yourself this:
Is rumour about Antoun Sehnaoui, REAL????????????
Perception IS NOT Reality guys!!!!!!

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